Inreach explorer service plans

I agree with what you’re saying about the small low res screen, it’s very hard to read, but you should mention that when the Explorer is paired with the earth mate app for a smartphone you can virtually use your smartphone exclusively via bluetooth paring devices with a decent screen while leaving the Explorer in your pocket eliminating having to use the hard to use buttons and painfully small screen. . I prefer the Explorer just so I can preset a route with waypoints from which my smart phone I can use to navigate and get a good account of the distance between waypoints off of my smartphone .Good read, thank you. Best regards Ryan Zimmer

Andrew Skurka on July 2, 2015 at 5:29 pm

Good workaround, thanks for pointing that out. Any advantage to the Explorer + Earthmate app over just a standalone GPS app, though? In a program like Gaia I can pre-load waypoints and tracks from my online account, and have them display on my phone. I think you are doing the same thing. However, I suppose that I can’t broadcast my route as can be done with the Explorer. Also, with your configuration you still must use Delorme’s proprietary maps rather than the superior USGS quads and other imagery.

Sean on July 4, 2015 at 3:48 pm

I believe that the SE can use the earthmate app to navigate as well. It feeds your GPS location to the app. You may need to subscribe to use the earthmate nav features though. I’m honestly not sure because I don’t really use the app at all. To reply to Andrew’s question, I went with the SE after years of Spot. Another thing that I like about the SE compared to the spot is that I can pick a by-the-month plan and cancel when the heat gets too bad in the Los Padres to hike from about Memorial day through the first rains in the fall/winter. I find my Garmin GPS with a 3 inch screen to be almost too small to use for real navigation to begin with. The postage stamp that the InReach has is just way too small for anything useful for me. If I was worried about battery life I’d almost prefer doubling up and taking my Garmin with replacable batteries over the explorer. Besides, using the explorer for nav capabilities takes battery life that might be better reserved for communication. Anyway, they’re both great step-ups over the Spot. They also have a more comprehensive coverage map than Spot does. The 2 way communication, the real savings I get going to a monthly program, and the better coverage all equal a better deal overall. The only thing I kind of hate is the sync process for Delorme. You go to the website, configure the address book, the pre-configured checkins, etc… but then you have to sync using a rather painful and basic sync program. You can’t update the unit over the air that I’ve seen and it sucks kind of because you need access to a computer and can’t sync over your phone. I suspect a firmware update could fix that though.

Nick Nudell on July 4, 2015 at 11:45 pm

I’ve used an Explorer for over a year now and am using it currently. I completely agree with your assessment. I navigate with it paired to my iPhone since the interface is so miserable. Give me an iPhone with the sat radio and I wouldn’t need this extra appendage at all. The service plans are also very expensive for no good reason. Lastly, if you’re near the PCT, CDT, or other well used trails you can use Guthooks apps to navigate with excellent detail. Cheers!

Brett Tucker on July 20, 2015 at 12:33 am

I like Gaia… whenever it works. Unfortunately, and despite numerous updates to the app over the years, it has proven to be unreliable for recording GPS tracks in the field, which is a primary utility in my case on longer hikes. I also rely on my iDevice for running other apps throughout the day, and resource sharing is an Achilles’ heel of navigation apps in general. The upshot in my case is that it makes more sense, and potentially weighs less by reducing the need for a separate charging device, to carry a dedicated and reliable GPS unit with long-running, no-fuss lithium AA batteries. For a couple of extra ounces, the inReach Explorer could replace my eTrex 20 whenever the time comes. Screen resolution is somewhat immaterial to me given my likelihood of also carrying custom paper topographic maps. I’m content to use Garmin’s 100k regional series data cards for basic contextual information while navigating and marking waypoints, and not worrying about whether I’ve properly cached Gaia maps for offline use (another sore spot).

Andrew Skurka on July 20, 2015 at 8:11 am

For recording GPS tracks, I use my Suunto Ambit watch. I can adjust the GPS recording interval so that a full charge gives me about 4 days of tracking; I recharge it with a portable battery if the trip is longer than that. The watch must be using other data (e.g. from the altimeter and/or compass) in order to track location, since it’s far more accurate than breadcrumbs on 10-minute intervals. This is one day from a recent trip:

Brett on July 20, 2015 at 11:43 am

Thanks Andrew. After a little more research, I take back any conjecture about the Explorer being a viable alternative to a full-feature, standalone GPS device, and would instead replace it with conjecture that Delorme is actively attempting to dissuade “all in one” adoption of the Explorer due to its use of the Iridium satellite network, apparently for all aspects of device functionality. Or at least to extract a heavy price from those attempting to do so.

Dave on February 15, 2016 at 11:54 am

Andrew, I’m a bit confusd by your comment ‘Most definitely, I will be keeping the inReach SE and returning the inReach Explorer. The Explorer fails to offer $80 in extra value as a GPS unit, and these funds would be much better spent on a 2-year Gaia GPS Pro account ($4/month, or $40/year) that allows me to use my smartphone as a kick-ass GPS unit. Alternatively, consider Backcountry Navigator or Trimble Outdoors Navigator Elite.’ As both the SE and Explorer are GPS units. Where’s the $80.00 ‘extra’ value? These are both GPS capable units. Am I missng something? I have the Explorer and bought it over the SE for its superior options such as the ability for me to create and load my own routes from my laptop. I have Gaia and paid $11.99 for the basic app and it’s works wonderfully. The Earthmate app and my 6+ make a great combination.

Andrew Skurka on February 15, 2016 at 4:18 pm

The Explorer is a weak GPS unit, relative to the combination of your smartphone and a GPS app. Small, low-res screen with no pinch-and-zoom or swipe-to-scroll capabilities; and, at least at the time that I wrote this post, you only had access to DeLorme’s proprietary topo layer, not the gold standard USGS maps. So my thought was that I’d rather dedicate the $80 (price difference between the Exploer and SE) to a GPS app, and use the inReach as a communication device only. I nuanced my argument hence but this is still my general opinion.

Gary Gbur on July 2, 2015 at 7:05 pm

Andrew, Thank you for the evaluation! Perfect timing since I was planning on purchasing one of these units within the next month for my Jedediah Smith Wilderness 5 day solo trip coming up in August. I will be purchasing the unit for the exact same reasons. My wife will be alone in Wyoming and my daughter in Chicago, so this gives us a chance when needed, to communicate. I was leaning towards the Explorer, because it has the added options of a Digital Compass, Barometric Altimeter, and Accelerometer, and of course the route planning and navigation features that you have pointed out. BUT, now this article sheds a different view on how you could use the SE with the iPhone/Gaia setup. Especially since I always carry a USGS trail map with me. Originally I was planning on purchasing the Explorer and keeping my Sunnoto Core watch at home to minimize weight and reduntacy. I do carry a Brunton compass with me so I can still navigate without an electronic issue, so those features in the Explorer become less important in some ways. Although I’m not familiar with Gaia, I’m going to check it out. I own an iPhone 6, so my only concern on a 5 day trek, would be having to charge up both the iPhone and the inReach unit. Normally I just keep the iPhone turned on when at the trailhead, then turn it off, unless I periodically check for a signal, or use it for an alarm, checking time, etc. Looking at overall battery life of both the inReach and iPhone paired together for navigation would be my only concern with this setup. I would be very interested in your trip report to find out how you managed both unit’s battery life. Do you carry an extra external portable battery on a 3+ trip? I’m assuming you normally would not be referring to the Gaia/iPhone on a frequent basis since you use a compass and USGS quads for your main navigation tools? In this case, battery life would probably not be a factor for you? Thanks for sharing!

Andrew Skurka on July 2, 2015 at 8:24 pm

When I need backup power, the best option is to have replaceable batteries. Simplest and lightest. If that’s not an option, as is the case with the inReach, most modern smartphones, and most Suunto Ambit watch, I bring a backup charger and the necessary cords. Try the Outdoor Tech KODIAK Mini or similar. Unless you are camped for extended periods and have reliable sunlight, solar chargers are out. I don’t use my smartphone regularly, and I expect the same with the inReach; so they are powered off most of the day. Remember, I’m using paper maps and a magnetic compass for nearly all of my navigation. The inReach I only plan to check a few times per day. In this fashion, I can get a week pretty easily out of my smartphone (even without a mid-trip charge) and the inReach is good for 100 hours when used to track your location every 10 minutes, which is way more battery-consuming that average use.

Andy on July 2, 2015 at 7:07 pm

I have only used the SE. I pretty much left in on top of my pack and used it via my iPhone (Bluetooth). I had the iPhone in airplane mode (with Bluetooth turn on) and found that I could use any GPS product on my iPhone. Normally in airplane mode the GPS does not work (on iPhones 5’s anyway). The 2 way messaging was great for family and the tracking worked very well. If using a smartphone I can’t see the need for the explorer. I used earthmate, topo maps and guthooks ‘JMT Hiker’, all without any issues.

Gary Gbur on July 2, 2015 at 7:38 pm

Regarding the iPhone, iOS (8.3+), thought in Airplane Mode it turns off all internet functions, phone calls, and texts (2-way messaging), but still allows for GPS functions (tracking, etc)?

Rob on July 2, 2015 at 7:46 pm

I don’t know if you’re aware that you can get weather forecasts on any inReach.

Viv on July 2, 2015 at 8:11 pm Rob, thanks for the resource! Viv on July 2, 2015 at 8:07 pm

On top of map & compass we do use the SE for work (goodbye SPOT!); I’m currently creating a tabletop exercise to expose the limitations of the SE and further fine-tune our current Em Response actions-on & comms protocols as a result. Our employees also complain about the screen and the keypad, yet for our purposes they can suck it up – daily duties don’t include composing Haikus in the deep woods. There’s an inReach w/ no screen which requires Earthmate and pairing to even write a message; all the reviews I have read about Earthmate seem to be mixed reviews (mostly of the “it’s hit and miss,” nature). For our purposes it was decided that Earthmate was not a necessity. In the end, whether SE alone, or SE+phone (+etc.), I suppose it comes down to streamlining one’s gear based on task priority (nav, emergency comms, or Facebook updates…), device best-suited for key/priority task(s), and avoiding device redundancy (and reducing unnecessary dead weight) in the process.

Dan on July 2, 2015 at 9:19 pm

I agree. I have an InReach SE, which I bought prior the release of the Explorer. Before the Explorer came out, I was hoping Delorme would do a free update for the SE with waypoints, just like how they added current location in a software update. Now that the Explorer is out it’s obvious they aren’t going to do this. I wish they would have gone another route and instead of creating a new model, just offered an optional software upgrade to current and future SE owners since the hardware is most likely identical. I would pay $20 for the upgrade, or maybe $40, but $80 is nuts. When I really need waypoints I’ll bring my Garmin Geko.

Andrew Skurka on July 3, 2015 at 7:27 am

Agreed. I don’t know for sure, but given the similarities in the units it would seem that the only real difference between the SE and Explorer is software. If that is true, it would seem unfortunate that they didn’t offer a software option at a better price.

Jeff Valliere on July 2, 2015 at 11:11 pm

Timely, I have been thinking about getting an InReach or Spot for some time, especially lately, since Dave got injured on Bear. His incident greatly shifted my perspective on risk, such a routine run, on a slope I have done many times and not to mention Dave is one of the most competent athletes out there. I can’t tell you how many times I have been off trail, either in the foothills, or Indian Peaks, or other ranges in the state, when nobody has a clue where I am, where something so similar could happen at any time. I know it is stupid. Eager to discuss this more with you on a run soon.

Andrew Skurka on July 3, 2015 at 7:20 am

For your purposes, you’d be better off with the SPOT Gen3. The device is lighter and smaller. The cost is less upfront and less for annual coverage (which you will want since you run throughout the year). And 1-way messaging will be sufficient: you are carrying it just in case, whereas an inReach is really best to minimize the impact of being gone.

Erik Rasmussen on July 2, 2015 at 11:42 pm

I’ve been using the explorer for the last 6 months. It definitely takes a little bit of figuring out to be confident in the gps on it, but I’ve found it to work great. I keep the InReach in my bag (and let everyone I’m with know where its at for the SOS feature). I then refer to my phone for everything while on the move. If you keep your phone in airplane mode it still works with the InReach for navigation purposes, but allows my battery last a lot longer. The battery on the InReach lasts a long time by itself…I used it for a 4 night yurt trip and still had power left (don’t remember how much, and powered it off at night).

Ray Rippel on July 3, 2015 at 8:03 am

Could you comment on (or offer a link, if you have already done so) on your approach to keeping your smartphone’s battery charged? Thanks!

Andrew Skurka on July 3, 2015 at 8:21 am

First, don’t use it much. Rely on paper maps and a magnetic compass instead. There are many reasons for this, besides battery life. Second, if think I will need to recharge my phone, I bring a backup charger and the necessary cords. Try the Outdoor Tech KODIAK Mini or similar.

Albert on July 6, 2015 at 6:54 am

Back in 2012, I evaluated purchasing the Spot and the original Inreach – the one that looks like a grey brick – I went with the Inreach due to the 2-way communication capabilities. Not too long after, Delorme came out with the InReach SE, thus I sold the grey brick and I upgraded to the SE. To me it had a significant advantage compared to the original InReach – that it could use but didn’t require the use of a smartphone for 2 way communication. If my smartphone died or if I left it behind to save weight, I could still type out a message with arrow keys.
Just as I’m feeling quite content with the SE, Delorme introduces the InReach Explorer. Now I’m feeling that envy itch again. Thankfully, after researching the features of the Explorer, I arrived at a similar conclusion – SE is fine enough and I don’t really need the new features of the Explorer:
– I don’t need fully featured GPS capabilities with waypoints and routes. When I do, it’s easier to use Gaia.
– “Good enough is great enough” – The SE has rudimentary GPS built in – it can tell me where I am on a somewhat detailed map. That alone is not great but that coupled with paper maps and a compass, and it’s all we need. At some point, I imagine the next generation Inreach models might evolve to full touch screen interfaces like our smartphones or a small full QWERTY keyboard (think old school Blackberry). That would be a nice upgrade. Plus making it smaller and lighter with longer battery life. Kudos to Rob (above) with the weather tip. I didn’t know that existed. Previously I’ve had friends send me messages on the InReach for adhoc weather updates.

John Shannon on July 6, 2015 at 9:56 am

I am confused a little. In one spot it says the explorer acts as gps unit and then it says it fails to. What have I misread? Sorry for any confusion. Thanks for the article Andrew. “Which should you buy: @DeLormeGPS inReach SE or Explorer? Easy decision, the SE.” “For the extra $80 at retail, the inReach Explorer offers the functionality of a conventional handheld GPS unit like the popular Garmin eTrex 30” “In contrast, the inReach SE is almost strictly a communication device.” “I will be keeping the inReach SE and returning the inReach Explorer. The Explorer fails to offer $80 in extra value as a GPS unit”

Andrew Skurka on July 6, 2015 at 10:51 am

The Explorer offers GPS features, but the value-added of those features is not worthy $80 due to poor execution. Technically it functions as a GPS, but you’ll have to endure a terrible screen and clunky buttons in order to use it in that capacity.

Brett on July 20, 2015 at 1:12 am

Off the record: Little more research and I agree now. And there’s this which I hadn’t seen before flapping my proverbial gums in the other moderated reply:

Gregg Christopher on July 7, 2015 at 5:32 pm

I went through very similar logic to choose the SE over the Explorer for use in Alaska. Since the battery isn’t replaceable, I also like to reserve the sat messenger for emergency use or logistical support. I can be less careful with whatever batteries are being used for navigation. Near the end of a trip, it’s not too bad if the GPS (or phone or whatever) is low on energy, but it seems like you’d always want to have as much charge on the emergency device as possible.

Martin on July 21, 2015 at 11:48 am

Thanks for the review. – Agreed that the keys on the InReach device are clunky, but if you’re ever tried to use a smartphone touchscreen with numb, damp or gloved fingers you’ll appreciate the option to use physical keys. – DeLorme’s smartphone app (Earthmate) has some strange omissions. For example if you send a message from the device you can copy it to your MapShare page (or Facebook if you’re so inclined). But you can’t do that from Earthmate. – If you only turn the device on for an hour or two each day then battery life is excellent. I just got back from a two-week trip to the St Elias range and I still had 60% left at the end of the trip. – Something that DeLorme doesn’t explain well is that no-one can send you a message (email or SMS) unless you’ve previously sent them an outgoing message. If you’re planning an extended trip you might want to send a broadcast message to your emergency contacts before you leave. – If you’re weighing up an InReach vs a Spot bear in mind that the InReach uses a different satellite network (Iridium vs Globalstar). Iridium is more reliable at high latitudes, such as Alaska.

Curt on July 23, 2015 at 4:49 pm

Everyone’s comments are very interesting. I got an Explorer a year ago for traveling in Alaska. I agonized over the purchase of an Explorer vs an SE and finally decided on the Explorer. This may seem like a dumb reason, but my final reasoning was that I’m finally old enough and have a good enough job that I don’t need to be cheap (I’ve regretted some purchases where the decision was made purely on price). Ultimately the main reason for the purchase was to give my wife peace of mind. She can see where I am, communicate with me and get a response. Anyway, I took the Explorer, cellphone with a GPS app, and paper map and compass on a 40 mile hike through Canyonlands this spring. Before I went I down loaded USGS maps to the app along with a GPX route to both the app and the Explorer (mapshare). I used the app the most by far. Part of the reason was that I like the USGS map better – as you do. Also my paper map was a USGS map so it was easier to do comparisons. Occasionally I checked the Earhmate app too. Everything worked well. The app I used is different than the GAIA one. It requires an initial purchase but after that there is no charge for map downloads. The tracking feature worked well and it was nice to be able to down load my planned route into it. The app name is “Maps 3D Pro” and its available for iphones. I don’t know if its available for android devices. I don’t remember what it cost, but I don’t think it was expensive. It didn’t burn through the cell phone battery quickly either.

Bill on July 28, 2015 at 7:45 pm

I keep hearing stories about the DeLorme inReach (they usually don’t specify which model) failing to turn on and requiring a “soft reset” to be able to turn the unit on. I don’t own one and have no experience with them, but this seems like a serious problem. Here is DeLorme’s soft reset procedure: Troubleshooting an inReach SE or Explorer If an inReach exhibits an issue powering on, pairing to a companion Android or iOS smartphone, or acquiring a GPS fix use the troubleshooting steps below to attempt to resolve the issue. Soft Reset Power off the inReach and disconnect it from any power source. Press and hold down both the X button and the Down button of the directional pad simultaneously for 60 seconds.
id233bimg001.jpg Release the X button and Down button and power the device on normally. Test the inReach to confirm the issue has been resolved. – See more at:

Rene Beaulieu on July 30, 2015 at 8:00 pm

Hi Andrew. Great site and awesome SD Live videos! I was wondering if you have any thoughts on the ACR ResQlink 406 PLB? I am looking into a safety/rescue device that I can bring on my solo backpacking trips in the Canadian Rockies but that doesn’t need a monthly plan as texting on my trips isn’t important for me at the moment. Thanks for any guidance.

Andrew Skurka on July 30, 2015 at 8:04 pm

If you want a pure emergency-only device, a PLB is the most cost-effective option in the long-run. I might look into a SPOT Gen3, though. The unit is $100-150 less expensive than the PLB you mentioned, which means that you basically get 1-1.5 years of free service from SPOT. And the Gen3 can do much more than a PLB, and it’s lighter.

LT on December 28, 2017 at 1:48 pm

I don’t believe the SPOT devices are anywhere near as rugged as a true PLB, plus there’s are the limits of the Globalstar network in high latitude alpine environments. I look at the SPOT devices like those pool floats that are great 99% of the time when everything is fine, but have the big letters that say “NOT TO BE USED AS A LIFE SAVING DEVICE.” If the SPOT say, falls onto a rock that’s in a stream or takes a hit that knocks the replaceable batteries loose, or gets otherwise submerged, crushed, or damaged, it will very likely fail when needed. They seem great for keeping in touch with family and non-emergency communications, but if someone’s life might depend on a SAR team showing up… my advice is to bring a suitable PLB as a backup. One is none and two is one when it comes to life saving gear.

JodytL on December 28, 2017 at 8:00 pm

I recently switched to an InReach after years of using a SPOT. The cost is quite a bit more….but, you get texting, message delivery confirmation, and, most importantly, the satellite acquisition is far superior. I recently was able to get a message out in less than 60 seconds from a deep, narrow, canyon, maybe 100′ across at the top and 20′ across at the bottom, on California’s Big Sur coast. have been to this location many times before and was NEVER able to get a message out with the SPOT. Don’t get me wrong, the SPOT only failed me a few times in 6 or 7 years, and the cost(both for the unit and the monthly service was cheaper), but so far, the reliability with the InReach appears to be much better. Another feature for the InReach is the ability to receive weather reports for your coordinates no matter where you are.

Diana Moss on September 1, 2015 at 10:53 pm

Hi Andrew, nice site. Very robust information. I’ve been reading through all of these different perspectives looking to settle how to best manage emergency, navigation, and tracking needs on my upcoming thru hike (Te Araroa/NZ, Nov 15 through March 16). I will have paper maps and a compass, though I would really like to have a digital navigation aid as well, as the trail is known for being difficult to follow at points. Being able to receive messages is possibly nice, though I don’t want to create a scenario with my family where they stress if they aren’t getting messages from me. As a compromise, I’m interested in having a map online where friends and family can check in. It should be stated that I carry a solar battery capable of charging a laptop once or a cell phone three times (Poweradd Apollo). I charge the solar battery via a wall source whenever I get in town. My main goals in choosing a device are that it provide access to an SOS, serve as a back up to my map and compass navigation as needed, and to track my location (ideally live, as I go). I could settle for uploading waypoints in town from a GPS, but I don’t know that I’ll have access to my computer at every stop. It seems to me that I could either A) cover my emergency-only needs (ACR Resqlink or SPOT Gen3) and then bring a standalone GPS (considering the Garmin Oregon) or B) opt for a DeLorme device (considering the DeLorme inReach 1.5 or the SE), and then turn on my phone as needed to sync the plotted points with a map or provide direction. I had been leaning toward option A until I reached out to the mapping site I plan to use (NZ based Maprogress) about compatible devices with their site. I received a reply from a gent who said he’d been out with the military testing both the Spot and DeLorme, and had found that the Spot sometimes failed to send messages while in the forest (to be expected). After reading your review, though, I’m not sure I need all the bells and whistles of the DeLorme. Any guidance on this?

Andrew Skurka on September 3, 2015 at 8:38 am

If I understand you correctly: you will have and will rely primarily on paper maps and a compass; the GPS is a backup, and you have ample recharge capacity; and you’d like some ability for your family and friends to follow your trip. My recommendation depends on the hardware that you already own and that you plan to bring with you. Assuming you already own a smartphone and intend to carry it along, I would use that as your GPS. Now you just need a satellite messenger. The SPOT and inReach will both broadcast your points to a privately shared page for your family and friends. The SPOT is smaller and lighter, and less expensive to buy and operate for your time frame. The inReach has 2-way communication, and the Explorer version could be a backup GPS.

Minfang on October 7, 2015 at 1:03 am

In July, I bought InReach Explore because it was on sale, $75 rebate. (SE is $50 rebate). I need a backup GPS, which is why I selected Explore. However, when I found the GPS function was so poor, (no map, only way points), the on sale was end. I have to keep it :(. Any way, InReach is a great world range messenger when you need help.

Andy Gutierrez on November 4, 2015 at 3:27 am

I agree with you about not leaving a smartphone in the vehicle and I always carry my smartphone with me during hiking and backpacking. I am waiting for my in reach SE and I intend to pair it with my smartphone. I read a great deal of info on the explorer vs. SE and there appeared to be a unanimous vote towards the SE (Thank you all!!). Apparently the pairing with the smart phone takes care of the GPS information that I will need for my trips. If there is an emergency situation, I may need to give my smartphone to someone else (I’m a nurse and I’ll be working with the emergency) in the group so that they can text the search and rescue service and that person may not know how to operate the keys on the SE unit and a majority of people know how to text on a smartphone. Looking forward to using the SE. 🙂

Bob on November 10, 2015 at 3:22 pm

Hi Andrew and other InReach users. I’ve been leaning towards the inReach SE for the 2 way communications and SOS capabilities. Although I’m usually hiking on trails and always carry a paper map and non-electronic compass, I like using Gaia to keep a record of my hike – mostly for future reference. Because it is on, I sometimes refer to it for current location. I’m confident I can find myself on a map most of the time – but Gaia with a downloaded map provides an extra level of assurance. One problem I’ve had with Gaia is battery life on my phone, and having another device “on” seems redundant. If I had an InReach, it seems like I should leave that on during the day, while hiking, so that it leaves tracks for others (and me on my return.) Then I could turn off the phone unless I wanted to use it for custom text messages or to check current location on a downloaded map. When in camp, I might leave the InReach SE on for incoming messages, and maybe a “all’s well – going to sleep” message to home. As such, some form of battery backup is important to me. Like Andrew most of my devices do not have replaceable batteries (except the headlamp – 18650). The devices that need recharging all use USB these days, so I plan to bring a USB charger. If I can find one that uses removeable 18650s, I could at least have one battery pack that can cover all my electronics – too good to be true I’m sure. 1. Does this plan sound good for up to 4-5 days? 2. Does the InReach SE use the standard MicroUSB port? Thanks for your help and advice. Bob (Slbear)

Andrew Skurka on November 10, 2015 at 7:55 pm

How important is it that you have a breadcrumb track of your route? If you insist on having this ability, you’ll be better off with the inReach Explorer, which can do tracks at .01-mile intervals. The SE has no GPS-like features, besides providing coordinates, so you’ll continue to need Gaia and thus continue to encounter the battery limitations of your smartphone. Yes, the inReach is recharged via mini USB.

Bob on November 11, 2015 at 12:16 pm

I was thinking I’d set the InReach SE to report my location every hour (or 2 or less) – not necessarily a detailed GPS track like Gaia or the Explorer would do. I thought that would be valuable for search and rescue if necessary, and would provide a record stored on my InReach website for me and others to see from any PC. While it’s on, of course, I would also be able to receive messages if that was necessary. I have carried a small ham radio handset in the past, primarily for emergencies, and the weight of that plus a radio spare battery exceeds the weight of the InReach. The InReach seems better suited – especially if I get out of the US at some point (I’m hoping!). And in any case, I carry a spare USB charger for my phone and might just upsize it to be a backup if the InReach needs a recharge. Thanks for this article and your feeback. -Bob (Slbear)

Andrew Skurka on November 11, 2015 at 12:40 pm

If you only want a track at 2-hr intervals, the SE is fine. You can drop the interval to as low as 10 minutes if you want. Re the extra battery, I would go on a trip or two before up-sizing. After a 10-day trip last summer, I had a 70+ percent charge, using it a few times per day to send and receive messages.

Bob on November 11, 2015 at 1:58 pm

That’s impressive battery life – which would be good feature in a device like this. Their website mentions battery life varies by how often you use the text, which I think will be minimal for me (not a blogger). Thanks again for the answers and feedback. Adding this to my Christmas list and will look for a coupon that I can apply.

Fabio on December 21, 2015 at 6:49 am

Please consider the Locus Pro app, if you use Android. It does much more than GAIA GPS and for a fraction of the price. And, I really think that the Earthmate app should really be named “USMate” app, since its maps are mostly if not totally US-only based. Cheers and thanks for your posts.

Carlos on July 4, 2016 at 10:05 am How does it compare to Backcountry Navigator, for Android too ? Jeff McWilliams on February 11, 2016 at 9:03 am

Garmin is purchasing DeLorme. Not sure what this means. Garmin will pretty much have a monopoly on the GPS based navigation market.

Brett Aquila on March 16, 2016 at 4:53 am

For a one time fee of $80 I’m thrilled to have a complete backup to my smartphone, which will also be my primary GPS device. But to have a completely redundant GPS, digital compass, barometer, altimeter, and more memory in the middle of the wilderness isn’t worth $80 to you when the unit is basically the same size and weight anyhow? If I’m going to the grocery store my ‘single point of failure’ GPS unit can die on me. Not so much out there though. Here’s my $80 and now I have redundant navigation and information in a tough unit.

JimmyW on March 16, 2016 at 3:51 pm

I’m glad that I came across this post. Now, I carry an ACR Aqualink for emergency location on what typically are long day hikes/snowshoe trips by myself. Here, in Montana, cell service is spotty, and I easily can find myself in a place or at a time where I don’t need to set off a beacon, but want to text message someone. Perhaps my Jeep is stuck in a snowbank or I’m delayed. The SE/Explorer seems ideal for that, and is smaller/lighter than the Aqualink. The keyboard does look terrible, but I apparently can pair it with my droid for messaging. I probably will continue to pack my Garmin Oregon 650. If nothing else, I use it as my camera. The price difference between the Explorer/SE doesn’t make a big difference, and I want to avoid “buyer’s regret.” If anyone has an alternative or suggestion, I’m interested in opinions. Thanks!

Jim Wintermyre on March 18, 2016 at 2:42 am

Been using an inReach SE w/iPhone for a couple years now. Been super happy with it, and it is way better than the Spot it replaced. I had way too many times when the Spot indicated that it sent a message, but it never actually went through (sometimes even when I was in a spot with a totally clear view of the sky, and even with cell coverage!). And having real 2-way communication is such a huge plus. I recently picked up an Explorer but haven’t set it up yet. True, it’s not that much different from the SE especially if you’re always paired with the phone, but honestly one of the selling points to me was the barometric altimeter, which I’m hoping should provide more accurate elevation data when using the inReach with my GPS tracking app on the phone, in cases where I don’t always have a clear satellite view (mountain bike trails in heavily wooded areas for example). Some random iPhone-specific notes: – When paired with the iPhone, the phone *uses the inReach’s GPS signal*, NOT the internal iPhone GPS signal. This ends up saving some battery life on the iPhone. At the time I found this out, I believe this only was the case with iOS, not Android, not sure if that is still the case. – For cases where I’m going to be out of cell range anyway, I turn off the iPhone’s cell radio. This saves enormously on battery life. One way to do this is to use airplane mode, but after turning airplane mode on you have to re-enable bluetooth, otherwise you won’t be able to talk to the inReach. Another way to do this by setting a SIM PIN code in Settings/Phone. Reboot the phone, and it will ask you to enter the SIM PIN. Just cancel out of that – if you don’t enter the PIN, the cell radio is not turned on. This is different from airplane mode, because the other phone radios can ALL still be used. For example, you could use the internal iPhone GPS radio in this mode while having the cell radio turned off (no way to use the internal GPS if airplane mode is enabled). I often use this mode when tracking bike rides where there is no cell coverage if I don’t have my inReach (and so can’t use it for the GPS when in airplane mode w/bluetooth). – I really like the GPSKit app. Don’t really use the EarthMate app other than for messages. Another random note. I’d really love to see a collaboration between Delorme (now Garmin?) and ICEdot. Specifically, for the ICEdot crash sensor: This device attaches to a helmet, and pairs with your phone via bluetooth. When it detects forces indicating a crash (for example when biking), it activates an alert on the phone, which you have to manually disable within a specified time. If you don’t deactivate the alert, it assumes you’ve been knocked out and sends a text message to a pre-specified number. The problem is this requires that you have cell coverage! Most of the time when I could really use this feature, I don’t have cell coverage. It would be AWESOME if they could partner with Delorme so that they could send that message via the inReach using the phone’s bluetooth connection to it.

Bill McCrossan on April 12, 2016 at 11:28 pm

Hi Andrew,
My apologies if you already answered this in the many posts above.
How do you keep your cell phone charged when your out on multi day excursions?
I’ll be hiking the Wonderland Trail at Mt. Rainier in August and I’ll be out for 10 days.
No way my phone will last that long.
You almost have me sold on the InReach SE & Gaia GPS.
Thanks & regards…

Andrew Skurka on April 13, 2016 at 11:37 am

I like the Anker PowerCore+ mini, the latest version of which is rated to 3350mAH. In comparison, the battery in my Suunto Ambit2 Peak watch is 480 mAh and my Google Nexus 5 smartphone is 2300 mAh. So with the Anker charger I could recharge the phone once and the battery twice. More powerful Anker charges are available.