The Scheme is established under Trust to safeguard Members’ contributions and accumulated funds.
STM Fidecs Pension Trustees Limited is the Scheme’s Trustee and has a legal duty to act in the best interests of Members.

STM Fidecs Life, Health and Pensions Limited is the Administrator of the Scheme.

The Trustee and the Administrator take the security and safety of your data very seriously. A copy of our Privacy Notice can be found on our website: https://info.stmgroupplc.com/privacy-notice

The Principal Employer is Virtual Internet Services Limited, formerly Cassava Enterprises (Gibraltar) Limited. The Principal Employer established the Scheme.

888 Holdings plc is a Participating Employer. Employees of the Principal Employer and all Participating Employers can join the Scheme.

How the Scheme works

The Scheme is set up on a defined contribution basis where the Employers and Members contribute a percentage of salary into an Individual Members Account. The contributions are invested to provide a fund at retirement.

Members also have the opportunity to make Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs) over and above those required by the Employer to boost their retirement fund.

Each year you will receive a Pension Benefit Statement which will show you the contributions made and the value of your pension fund.

How do I join?

Who can join the Scheme?

You are eligible to join the Scheme at the renewal date if you:

The above also applies to employees of any other associated Employer which elects to participate in these pension arrangements in the future.
The Principal Employer has full discretion to include employees at any time during their employment.

When will I join?

Provided you are eligible to do so, you are able to join the Scheme on completion of your probationary period.
To apply to join the Scheme you need to select the enrolment form on the Scheme website. Input Plan Reference ‘VIS’ before completing the form.
However, you don’t have to join the Scheme. If you decide not to join the Scheme on the date you first become eligible, you may only join at a later date at the discretion of the Trustee and with the agreement of your Employer.

Can I leave the Scheme once I have joined?

If you join the Scheme and later wish to leave, but remain employed, you must give one month’s notice to the Trustee. If you leave, contributions will cease but your Members Account will remain invested and will remain subject to the Rules of the Scheme. You will not be able to take benefits from the Scheme at this time or take a refund of the value attributable to your contributions. If you later wish to rejoin the Scheme, this will only be permitted at the discretion of the Trustee and with the agreement of your Employer.

Transfers into the Scheme

The Rules allow for a transfer of benefits from another Gibraltar approved pension scheme. You should contact the Administrator if you wish to investigate this option. The Administrator reserves the right to impose an additional charge depending on the complexity of the administration of any such transfer.

Who looks after the Scheme

The Trustee of the Scheme is STM Fidecs Pension Trustees Limited. The Trustee holds the assets of the Scheme which are kept separately from those assets of your Employer. This means if your Employer becomes insolvent, the Scheme is protected from any claims from creditors.

The Administrator of the Scheme is STM Fidecs Life, Health & Pensions Limited. The Administrator is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Scheme in accordance with the Rules and to whom enquiries can be addressed. Please contact admin@stmfidecspensions.gi