Tax Administration

Personal Property Tax Relief Act The County receives a fixed amount each year as reimbursement from the Commonwealth pursuant to §58.1-3524 of the Code of Virginia. This reimbursement is for tangible personal property tax relief (also known as “Car Tax Relief”). The County has opted to allocate its reimbursement amount from the Commonwealth on a per vehicle basis. The reimbursement amount for tax relief on qualifying vehicles provides the following effective tax relief percentages: CAR TAX RELIEF 2024

Vehicle Value ​Percentage of Tax Relief
$1000 or less ​100.0%
​$1001 to $20,000 ​36%
​$20,001 or more 36% of the tax due on the first $20,000 of assessed value
How to calculate PPTRA on Personal Use vehicles for tax year 2024
Calculating the personal property tax relief (36% in 2024) on the first $20,000.00 of assessed value: $20,000 x (3.70/100) x 0.36 = $266.40 $266.40

The tax due on qualifying vehicles will be reduced by the percentage shown above based on the assessed value of the vehicle. The specific amount of car tax relief allocated to your vehicle will be shown on your bill with the notation “Car Tax Relief Amount.” For more information, see the Commonwealth of Virginia page on car tax relief. CAR TAX RELIEF HISTORY Year - Percentage of Tax Relief 2023 - 38% 2022 - 45% 2021 - 45% 2020 - 45% 2019 - 46% 2018 - 47.5% 2017 - 48.5% 2016 - 50% 2015 - 51% 2014 - 51% 2013 - 52% 2012 - 57% 2011 - 60% 2010 - 64%

NOTE: If a gross weight change is recorded with the Department of Motor Vehicles that may cause a previously unqualified vehicle to become qualified, the vehicle may be considered for qualification for the following tax year.

Types of Vehicles Which Do Not Qualify