Arbitration Agreement Template

Arbitration Agreement Page 1

An arbitration agreement is a legally binding contract between two parties that offers an alternative dispute resolution to avoid civil court litigation. An arbitration contract is the best option to solve conflicts arising in business processes or between the parties. Fill out this arbitration agreement form on Lawrina, download it in PDF, and use it to resolve your dispute peacefully.

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An arbitration agreement is a legally binding contract between two parties who agree to resolve any disputes that may arise from their working relationship through arbitration instead of court action. The agreement outlines the terms and procedure for the arbitration process, such as the appointment of an arbitrator, rules of evidence, and governing law, among other details. Create your attorney-drafted arbitration agreement sample on Lawrina, customized to your specific situation and built on the information you provide, or download and use it as is.

To ensure the enforceability of the arbitration agreement or clause, the agreement should:

  1. Designate arbitration as the form of dispute resolution, specifying that any award is binding on the parties;
  2. Clearly define the scope of arbitration clause so that it covers all disputes arising under the contract;
  3. Designate the procedural rules of the arbitration institution as well as place of arbitration;
  4. Specify the number of arbitrators and language of arbitration;
  5. State that the FAA governs the arbitration agreement as well as provide that judgment may be entered on the arbitral award by any federal or state court having jurisdiction.

Parties of the Arbitration Agreement

Parties in a blank arbitration letter template may include:

The agreement specifies details of an arbitration process, and the arbitrator's decision is legally binding to them.

Key Terms

To fully appreciate the implications of an arbitration agreement, all parties must understand the complex terminologies they may find in it. Some of them are: