Intermediate-system-to-intermediate-system (IS-IS) is a link-state interior gateway protocol (IGP) which uses the Shortest Path First (SPF) algorithm to determine routes. Routing decisions are made using the link-state information. IS-IS evaluates topology changes and, if necessary, performs SPF recalculations.

Entities within IS-IS include networks, intermediate systems, and end systems. In IS-IS, a network is an autonomous system (AS), or routing domain, with end systems and intermediate systems. A router is an intermediate system. End systems are network devices which send and receive protocol data units (PDUs), the OSI term for packets. Intermediate systems send, receive, and forward PDUs.

End system and intermediate system protocols allow routers and nodes to identify each other. IS-IS sends out link-state updates periodically throughout the network, so each router can maintain current network topology information.

IS-IS supports large ASs by using a two-level hierarchy. A large AS can be administratively divided into smaller, more manageable areas. A system logically belongs to one area. Level 1 routing is performed within an area. Level 2 routing is performed between areas. The routers can be configured as level 1, level 2, or both level 1/2.

IS-IS routing domain displays an example of an IS-IS routing domain.


OSI IS-IS routing uses two-level hierarchical routing. A routing domain can be partitioned into areas. Level 1 routers know the topology in their area, including all routers and end systems in their area but do not know the identity of routers or destinations outside of their area. Level 1 routers forward traffic with destinations outside of their area to a level 2 router in their area.

Level 2 routers know the level 2 topology, and know which addresses are reachable by each level 2 router. Level 2 routers do not need to know the topology within any level 1 area, except to the extent that a level 2 router can also be a level 1 router within a single area. By default, only level 2 routers can exchange PDUs or routing information directly with external routers located outside the routing domain.

The two types of routers in IS-IS are described below.

The level 1 router’s area address portion is manually configured (see ISO network addressing). A level 1 router does not become a neighbor with a node that does not have a common area address. However, if a level 1 router has area addresses A, B, and C, and a neighbor has area addresses B and D, then the level 1 router accepts the other node as a neighbor, as address B is common to both routers. Level 2 adjacencies are formed with other level 2 nodes whose area addresses do not overlap. If the area addresses do not overlap, the link is considered by both routers to be level 2 only and only level 2 LSPDUs flow on the link.

Within an area, level 1 routers exchange LSPs which identify the IP addresses reachable by each router. Specifically, zero or more IP address, subnet mask, and metric combinations can be included in each LSP. Each level 1 router is manually configured with the IP address, subnet mask, and metric combinations, which are reachable on each interface. A level 1 router routes as follows:

Level 2 routers include in their LSPs, a complete list of IP address, subnet mask, and metrics specifying all the IP addresses which reachable in their area. This information can be obtained from a combination of the level 1 LSPs (by level 1 routers in the same area). Level 2 routers can also report external reachability information, corresponding to addresses reachable by routers in other routing domains or autonomous systems.

IS-IS frequently used terms

ISO network addressing

IS-IS uses ISO network addresses. Each address identifies a point of connection to the network, such as a router interface, and is called a Network Service Access Point (NSAP).

An end system can have multiple NSAP addresses, in which case the addresses differ only by the last byte (called the n selector ). Each NSAP represents a service that is available at that node. In addition to having multiple services, a single node can belong to multiple areas.

Each network entity has a special network address called a Network Entity Title (NET). Structurally, a NET is identical to an NSAP address but has an n-selector of 00. Most end systems have one NET. Intermediate systems can have up to three area IDs (area addresses).

NSAP addresses are divided into three parts. Only the area ID portion is configurable.

Of the total 20 bytes comprising the NET, only the first 13 bytes, the area ID portion, can be manually configured. As few as one byte can be entered or, at most, 13 bytes. If less than 13 bytes are entered, the rest is padded with zeros.

Routers with common area addresses form level 1 adjacencies. Routers with no common NET addresses form level 2 adjacencies, if they are capable (Using area addresses to form adjacencies).

IS-IS PDU configuration

The following PDUs are used by IS-IS to exchange protocol information:

IS-IS operations

  1. Hello PDUs are sent to the IS-IS-enabled interfaces to discover neighbors and establish adjacencies.
  2. IS-IS neighbor relationships are formed if the hello PDUs contain information that meets the criteria for forming an adjacency.
  3. The routers can build a link-state PDU based upon their local interfaces that are configured for IS-IS and prefixes learned from other adjacent routers.
  4. The routers flood LSPs to the adjacent neighbors except the neighbor from which they received the same LSP. The link-state database is constructed from these LSPs.
  5. A Shortest Path Tree (SPT) is calculated by each IS, and from this SPT the routing table is built.

IS-IS route summarization

IS-IS route summarization allows users to create aggregate IPv4 or IPv6 addresses that include multiple groups of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses for a specific IS-IS level. IPv4 and IPv6 routes redistributed from other routing protocols also can be summarized. This is similar to OSPF configuration using the area-range command. IS-IS IPv4 and IPv6 route summarization helps to reduce the size of the LSDB and the IPv4 or IPv6 routing table, and reduces the chance of route flapping.

IS-IS route summarization supports:

Partial SPF calculation

IS-IS supports partial SPF calculation, also referred to as partial route calculation. When an event does not change the topology of the network, IS-IS is not perform full SPF but instead performs an IP reach calculation for the impacted routes. Partial SPF is performed at the receipt of IS-IS LSPs with changes to IP reach TLVs and in general, for any IS-IS LSP TLV and sub-TLV change that does not impact the network topology.

IS-IS multi-topology support

Multi-Topology IS-IS (MT-ISIS) support within SR OS allows for the creation of different topologies within IS-IS that contribute routes to specific route tables for IPv4 unicast, IPv6 unicast, IPv4 multicast, and IPv6 multicast. This capability allows for non-congruent topologies between these different routing tables. As a result, networks are able to control which links or nodes are to be used for forwarding different types of traffic.

For example, MT-ISIS could allow all links to carry IPv4 traffic, while only a subset of links can also carry IPv6 traffic.

SR OS supports the following multi-topologies:

Native IPv6 support

IS-IS IPv6 TLVs for IPV6 routing is supported in SR OS . This support is considered native IPv6 routing within IS-IS. However, it has limitations in that IPv4 and IPv6 topologies must be congruent, otherwise traffic may be blackholed. Service providers should ensure that the IPv4 topology and IPv6 topologies are the same if native IPv6 routing is used within IS-IS.

IS-IS administrative tags

IS-IS administrative tags enable a network administrator to configure route tags to tag IS-IS route prefixes. These tags can subsequently be used to control IS-IS route redistribution or route leaking.

IS-IS route tagging can be applied to IP addresses of an interface and to administrative policies with a route map. A network administrator can tag a summary route and then use a route policy to match the tag with one or more attributes for the route.

Using these administrative policies, the operator can control how a router handles route exchanges with its IS-IS neighboring routers. Administrative policies are also used to govern the installation of routes in the routing table.

Route tags allow policies to do the following:

Setting route tags

IS-IS route tags are configurable in the following ways:

Using route tags

Although an operator on this or on a neighboring IS-IS router has configured the setting of the IS-IS administrative tags, it does not have any effect unless policies are configured to instruct how to process the specified tag value.

Policies can process tags where IS-IS is either the origin, destination or both origin and destination protocol.

config>router>policy-options>policy-statement>entry>from config>router>policy-options>policy-statement>entry>action tag tag-value config>router>policy-options>policy-statement# default-action tag tag-value 

Unnumbered interface support

IS-IS supports unnumbered point-to-point interface with both Ethernet and PPP encapsulations.

Unnumbered interfaces borrow the address from other interfaces such as system or loopback interfaces and uses it as the source IP address for packets originated from the interface. This feature supports both dynamic and static ARP for unnumbered interfaces to allow interworking with unnumbered interfaces that may not support dynamic ARP.

An unnumbered interface is an IPv4 capability only used in cases where IPv4 is active (IPv4-only and mixed IPv4/IPv6 environments). When configuring an unnumbered interface, the interface specified for the unnumbered interface (system or other) must have an IPv4 address. Also, the interface type for the unnumbered interface automatically is point-to-point. The unnumbered option can be used in IES and VPRN access interfaces, as well as in a network interface with MPLS support.

Multi-homed prefix LFA extensions in IS-IS

Feature configuration

Use the following command to configure the Multi-Homed Prefix (MHP) LFA feature for IP FRR for IS-IS routes, SR-ISIS tunnel, and SRv6-ISIS tunnel FRR:

configure router isis loopfree-alternate multi-homed-prefix preference 
configure router isis loopfree-alternates multi-homed-prefix preference 

When applied to IP prefixes, IP FRR must also be enabled. Use the following command to allow the programming of the backup paths in the FIB:

configure routing-options ip-fast-reroute
configure router ip-fast-reroute

This feature uses the multihomed prefix model described in RFC 8518 to compute a backup IP next hop via an alternate ABR or ASBR for external prefixes and to an alternate router owner for local anycast prefixes. Without this feature, the backup path is computed to the ASBR, ABR, or router owner, which is the best path for the prefix.

This feature further enhances the multihomed prefix backup path calculation beyond RFC 8518 with the addition of repair tunnels that make use of a PQ node or a P-Q set to reach the alternate exit ABR or ASBR of external prefixes or the alternate owner router of intra-area anycast prefixes.

The base LFA algorithm is applied to all intra-area and external prefixes of IP routes (IP FRR), of SR-ISIS node SID tunnels (SR-ISIS FRR), and to SRv6-ISIS remote locator tunnels (SRv6-ISIS FRR), as usual. Then the MHP LFA is applied to improve the protection coverage for external prefixes and anycast prefixes. For external /32 IPv4 prefixes and /128 IPv6 prefixes and for intra-area /32 IPv4 and /128 IPv6 prefixes with multiple owner routers (anycast prefixes), the base LFA backup path, if found, is preferred over the MHP LFA backup path in the default behavior with the preference command set to a value of none . The user can force the programming of the MHP LFA backup path by setting preference command value to all .

After the IP next-hop based MHP LFA is enabled, the extensions to MHP LFA to compute an SR-TE repair tunnel for an SR-ISIS or SRv6-ISIS tunnel are automatically enabled when the following CLI command is configured to enable Topology-Independent Loop-Free Alternate (TI-LFA) or Remote Loop-Free Alternate (RLFA). The computation reuses the SID list of the primary path or the TI-LFA or RLFA backup path of the alternate ABR, ASBR, or alternate owner router.

configure router isis loopfree-alternate remote-lfa configure router isis loopfree-alternate ti-lfa 
configure router isis loopfree-alternates remote-lfa configure router isis loopfree-alternates ti-lfa 

TI-LFA, base LFA, and RLFA (if enabled) are applied to the SR-ISIS node SID tunnels of all intra-area and external /32 IPv4 and /128 IPv6 prefixes as usual, and to all SRv6-ISIS locator tunnels of intra-area and external prefixes of any size.

For node SID SR-ISIS tunnels of external /32 IPv4 and /128 IPv6 prefixes or intra-area /32 IPv4 and /128 IPv6 anycast prefixes, the LFA, TI-LFA, or RLFA backup path is preferred over the MHP LFA backup path in the default behavior with the preference command set to a value of none . The user can force the programming of the MHP LFA backup by setting the preference command value to all . Finally, the same preference rule also applies to SRv6-ISIS remote locator tunnels of external prefixes and intra-area prefixes with multiple router owners.

The MHP LFA backup path protects SR-ISIS tunnels and SRv6-ISIS locator tunnels in both algorithm 0 and flexible-algorithm numbers. Therefore, it also extends the protection to any SR-TE LSP, SR-MPLS policy, or SRv6 policy that uses an SR-ISIS SID or an SRv6-ISIS SID of those same prefixes in its configured or computed SID list.

Feature applicability

The multi-homed-prefix command enables the feature, but its applicability depends on the LFA flavor enabled in the IS-IS instance. The following scenarios are possible: